foobar2000 SDK  2015-08-03
Namespaces | Typedefs | Functions
pathUtils.h File Reference

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typedef string::comparatorCaseInsensitive pfc::io::path::comparator


string pfc::io::path::combine (string basePath, string fileName)
template<typename t1 , typename t2 >
int pfc::io::path::compare (t1 const &p1, t2 const &p2)
template<typename t1 , typename t2 >
bool pfc::io::path::equals (const t1 &v1, const t2 &v2)
char pfc::io::path::getDefaultSeparator ()
string pfc::io::path::getDirectory (string filePath)
string pfc::io::path::getFileExtension (string path)
string pfc::io::path::getFileName (string path)
string pfc::io::path::getFileNameWithoutExtension (string path)
string pfc::io::path::getIllegalNameChars (bool allowWC)
string pfc::io::path::getParent (string filePath)
string pfc::io::path::getSeparators ()
bool pfc::io::path::isDirectoryRoot (string path)
bool pfc::io::path::isInsideDirectory (pfc::string directory, pfc::string inside)
bool pfc::io::path::isSeparator (char c)
string pfc::io::path::replaceIllegalNameChars (string fn, bool allowWC)
string pfc::io::path::replaceIllegalPathChars (string fn)
string pfc::io::path::validateFileName (string name, bool allowWC)