foobar2000 SDK  2015-08-03
Data Structures | Namespaces | Typedefs | Functions
cue_parser.h File Reference

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Data Structures

class  cue_parser::chapterizer_impl_t< I >
struct  cue_parser::cue_entry
class  cue_parser::embeddedcue_metadata_manager
class  cue_parser::input_wrapper_cue_t< t_base >
struct  cue_parser::track_record
class  file_info_record_helper::__file_info_record__info__enumerator
class  file_info_record_helper::__file_info_record__meta__enumerator
class  file_info_record_helper::file_info_record
class  input_cuesheet_factory_t< t_input_impl, t_flags >




typedef pfc::chain_list_v2_t< cue_entry > cue_parser::t_cue_entry_list
typedef pfc::map_t< unsigned, track_record > cue_parser::track_record_list


void cue_parser::parse (const char *p_cuesheet, t_cue_entry_list &p_out)
void cue_parser::parse_full (const char *p_cuesheet, cue_creator::t_entry_list &p_out)
void cue_parser::parse_info (const char *p_cuesheet, file_info &p_info, unsigned p_index)
 cue_parser::PFC_DECLARE_EXCEPTION (exception_bad_cuesheet, exception_io_data,"Invalid cuesheet")

Data Structure Documentation

struct cue_parser::cue_entry

Definition at line 148 of file cue_parser.h.

Data Fields
string8 m_file
t_cuesheet_index_list m_indexes
unsigned m_track_number
struct cue_parser::track_record

Definition at line 168 of file cue_parser.h.

Data Fields
string8 m_file
string8 m_flags
t_cuesheet_index_list m_index_list
file_info_record m_info
class input_cuesheet_factory_t

template<typename t_input_impl, unsigned t_flags = 0>
class input_cuesheet_factory_t< t_input_impl, t_flags >

Wrapper template for generating embedded cuesheet enabled inputs. t_input_impl is a singletrack input implementation (see input_singletrack_impl for method declarations). To declare an embedded cuesheet enabled input, change your input declaration from input_singletrack_factory_t<myinput> to input_cuesheet_factory_t<myinput>.

Definition at line 405 of file cue_parser.h.

Data Fields
< chapterizer_impl_t
< t_input_impl > >
< input_wrapper_cue_t
< t_input_impl >, t_flags,
input_decoder_v2 >