foobar2000 SDK  2015-08-03
pfc::array_hybrid_t< t_item, p_width, t_alloc >

#include <array.h>

+ Inheritance diagram for pfc::array_hybrid_t< t_item, p_width, t_alloc >:

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from pfc::array_t< t_item, pfc::alloc_hybrid< p_width, t_alloc >::template alloc >
typedef t_item t_item
- Public Member Functions inherited from pfc::array_t< t_item, pfc::alloc_hybrid< p_width, t_alloc >::template alloc >
 array_t ()
 array_t (const t_self &p_source)
 array_t (const t_source &p_source)
 array_t (t_self &&p_source)
void append (const t_array &p_source)
void append_fromptr (const t_append *p_buffer, t_size p_count)
void append_multi (const t_append &value, t_size count)
void append_single (const t_append &p_item)
void append_single_val (t_append item)
void enumerate (t_callback &p_callback) const
void fill (const t_filler &p_filler)
void fill_null ()
void force_reset ()
t_size get_count () const
const t_itemget_ptr () const
t_itemget_ptr ()
t_size get_size () const
void grow_size (t_size p_size)
bool has_owned_items (const t_array &p_source)
void increase_size (t_size p_delta)
void insert_multi (const t_insert &value, t_size base, t_size count)
bool is_owned (const t_source &p_item)
void move_from (t_self &other)
const t_selfoperator= (const t_self &p_source)
const t_selfoperator= (const t_source &p_source)
const t_selfoperator= (t_self &&p_source)
const t_itemoperator[] (t_size p_index) const
t_itemoperator[] (t_size p_index)
void prealloc (t_size p_size)
void set_count (t_size p_count)
void set_data_fromptr (const t_source *p_buffer, t_size p_count)
void set_single (const t_item &p_item)
void set_size (t_size p_size)
void set_size_discard (t_size p_size)
void set_size_fill (size_t p_size, fill_t const &filler)
void set_size_in_range (size_t minSize, size_t maxSize)

Detailed Description

template<typename t_item, t_size p_width, template< typename > class t_alloc = alloc_standard>
class pfc::array_hybrid_t< t_item, p_width, t_alloc >

Definition at line 250 of file array.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: