foobar2000 SDK  2015-08-03
Class Hierarchy
This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 1234567]
 C_config_object_fixed_impl_switch< p_size, isConst >
 C_config_object_fixed_impl_switch< p_size, false >
 C_config_object_fixed_impl_switch< p_size, true >
 C_IsTypeByte< TVal >
 C_service_by_guid_data_container< what >
 C_stream_reader_formatter_translator< isBigEndian >
 C_stream_writer_formatter_translator< isBigEndian >
 Cpfc::alloc_hybrid< p_width, alloc_fast >
 Cpfc::alloc_hybrid< p_width, pfc::alloc_fast >
 Capp_close_blocking_taskAn interface encapsulating a task preventing the foobar2000 application from being closed. Instances of this class need to be registered using app_close_blocking_task_manager methods.
Implementation: it's recommended that you derive from app_close_blocking_task_impl class instead of deriving from app_close_blocking_task directly, it manages registration/unregistration behind-the-scenes
 Cpfc::array_staticsize_t< t_uint8 >
 Cpfc::array_t< audio_sample, pfc::alloc_fast_aggressive >
 Cpfc::array_t< CDialogResizeHelper::Param >
 Cpfc::array_t< char *, alloc_fast >
 Cpfc::array_t< char >
 Cpfc::array_t< char, pfc::alloc_standard >
 Cpfc::array_t< char, pfc::pfc::alloc_fast_aggressive >
 Cpfc::array_t< char, t_alloc >
 Cpfc::array_t< dialog_resize_helper::param >
 Cpfc::array_t< dsp_preset_impl *, alloc_fast >
 Cpfc::array_t< file_info_ >
 Cpfc::array_t< file_info_impl >
 Cpfc::array_t< GUID, alloc_fast >
 Cpfc::array_t< HWND, pfc::alloc_hybrid< p_width, alloc_fast >::template alloc >
 Cpfc::array_t< info_entry, pfc::alloc_fast >
 Cpfc::array_t< item, alloc_fast >
 Cpfc::array_t< menu_helpers::guid_to_name_table::entry >
 Cpfc::array_t< menu_helpers::name_to_guid_table::entry >
 Cpfc::array_t< meta_entry, pfc::alloc_hybrid< p_width, pfc::alloc_fast >::template alloc >
 Cpfc::array_t< metadb_io_hintlist::t_entry, pfc::alloc_fast >
 Cpfc::array_t< pfc::pfc::string8_t, pfc::pfc::alloc_fast >
 Cpfc::array_t< pfc::rcptr_t< audio_chunk >, alloc_fast >
 Cpfc::array_t< pfc::rcptr_t< foobar2000_io::directory_callback_impl::t_entry >, alloc_fast >
 Cpfc::array_t< pfc::string, alloc_fast >
 Cpfc::array_t< pfc::string8 >
 Cpfc::array_t< pfc::string_simple, pfc::alloc_hybrid< p_width, pfc::alloc_fast >::template alloc >
 Cpfc::array_t< playlist_dataobject_desc_impl::entry >
 Cpfc::array_t< RECT >
 Cpfc::array_t< service_ptr_t >
 Cpfc::array_t< service_ptr_t< metadb_handle >, t_alloc >
 Cpfc::array_t< service_ptr_t< T >, t_alloc >
 Cpfc::array_t< size_t, pfc::pfc::alloc_fast >
 Cpfc::array_t< T *, pfc::alloc_hybrid< p_width, alloc_fast >::template alloc >
 Cpfc::array_t< t_char >
 Cpfc::array_t< t_char, t_alloc >
 Cpfc::array_t< t_item, pfc::alloc_hybrid< p_width, t_alloc >::template alloc >
 Cpfc::array_t< t_item, t_alloc >
 Cpfc::array_t< t_object *, pfc::alloc_hybrid< p_width, alloc_fast >::template alloc >
 Cpfc::array_t< t_size >
 Cpfc::array_t< t_uint32 >
 Cpfc::array_t< t_uint8 >
 Cpfc::array_t< t_uint8, pfc::alloc_fast >
 Cpfc::array_t< t_uint8, pfc::alloc_fast_aggressive >
 Cpfc::array_t< t_uint8, t_alloc >
 Cpfc::array_t< TObj, alloc_fast >
 Cpfc::array_t< uint8_t * >
 Cpfc::array_t< wchar_t, t_alloc >
 Caudio_chunkInterface to container of a chunk of audio data. See audio_chunk_impl for an implementation
 Cpfc::avltree_t< CWindow >
 Cpfc::avltree_t< ImplementBumpableElem * >
 Cpfc::avltree_t< pfc::string, pfc::string::comparatorCaseInsensitiveASCII >
 Cpfc::avltree_t< t_size >
 Cpfc::avltree_t< t_storage, comparator_wrapper >
 CcallInMainThreadHelperHelper class to call methods of your class (host class) in main thread with convenience.
Deals with the otherwise ugly scenario of your class becoming invalid while a method is queued.
Have this as a member of your class, then use m_mthelper.add( this, somearg ) ; to defer a call to this->inMainThread(somearg).
If your class becomes invalid before inMainThread is executed, the pending callback is discarded.
You can optionally call shutdown() to invalidate all pending callbacks early (in a destructor of your class - without waiting for callInMainThreadHelper destructor to do the job.
In order to let callInMainThreadHelper access your private methods, declare friend class callInMainThread
 CCF::CallForwarder< TWhat >
 Ccfg_var_readerReader part of cfg_var object. In most cases, you should use cfg_var instead of using cfg_var_reader directly
 Ccfg_var_writerWriter part of cfg_var object. In most cases, you should use cfg_var instead of using cfg_var_writer directly
 CCGlobalLockScopeT< TItem >
 Cpfc::chain_list_v2_t< event_logger_recorder_impl::entry_t >
 Cpfc::chain_list_v2_t< pfc::rcptr_t >
 Cpfc::chain_list_v2_t< t_dsp_chain_entry >
 Cpfc::chain_list_v2_t< TWhat >
 Cchapter_listInterface for object storing list of chapters
 Cpfc::stringcvt::char_buffer_t< char >
 Cpfc::stringcvt::char_buffer_t< char, pfc::pfc::alloc_fast_aggressive >
 Cpfc::stringcvt::char_buffer_t< char, t_alloc >
 Cpfc::stringcvt::char_buffer_t< wchar_t, t_alloc >
 CThreadUtils::CObjectQueue< pfc::rcptr_t >
 Cpfc::combine_traits< pfc::traits_vtable, pfc::traits_t< pfc::array_t< char, t_alloc > > >
 Cpfc::combine_traits< traits_t< alloc< item > >, traits_vtable >
 Cpfc::combine_traits< traits_t< pfc::string_simple >, traits_t< file_info_impl_utils::meta_value_array > >
 Cpfc::combine_traits< traits_t< t_alloc >, traits_t< alloc_fixed< p_width >::template alloc< t_item > > >
 Cpfc::combine_traits< traits_t< type1 >, traits_t< type2 > >
 Ccompletion_notify_receiverHelper base class for classes that manage nonblocking tasks and get notified back thru completion_notify interface
 Cconfig_object_int_factory_t< T, isConst >::t_initval
 CCoTaskMemObject< TPtr >
 CCThemeT< managed >
 CCThemeT< true >
 Ccue_parser::input_wrapper_cue_t< t_base >
 Cdecode_postprocessorHelper class for managing decode_postprocessor_instance objects. See also: input_postprocessed
 Cdialog_helper::dialog_modalThis class is meant to be instantiated on-stack, as a local variable. Using new/delete operators instead or even making this a member of another object works, but does not make much sense because of the way this works (single run() call)
 Cdialog_helper::dialog_modelessThis class is meant to be used with new/delete operators only. Destroying the window - outside create() / WM_INITDIALOG - will result in object calling delete this. If object is deleted directly using delete operator, WM_DESTROY handler may not be called so it should not be used (use destructor of derived class instead). Classes derived from dialog_modeless must not be instantiated in any other way than operator new()
 Cdropped_files_dataClass used for async processing of IDataObject. Content of IDataObject can be dumped into dropped_files_data without any time-consuming operations - won't block calling app when used inside drag&drop handler - and actual time-consuming processing (listing directories and reading infos) can be done later.
 Cdsp_chunk_listInterface to a DSP chunk list. A DSP chunk list object is passed to the DSP chain each time, since DSPs are allowed to remove processed chunks or insert new ones
 Cdsp_managerHelper class for running audio data through a DSP chain
 Cduration_counterDuration counter class - accumulates duration using sample values, without any kind of rounding error accumulation
 Cfile_infoMain interface class for information about some playable object
 Cfile_operation_callback_dynamicNew in 0.9.5
 Cfoobar2000_io::abort_callbackThis class is used to signal underlying worker code whether user has decided to abort a potentially time-consuming operation.
It is commonly required by all filesystem related or decoding-related operations.
Code that receives an abort_callback object should periodically check it and abort any operations being performed if it is signaled, typically throwing exception_aborted.
See abort_callback_impl for an implementation
 Cfoobar2000_io::format_filetimestampWarning: this formats according to system timezone settings, created strings should be used for display only, never for storage
 Cfoobar2000_io::stream_readerGeneric interface to read data from a nonseekable stream. Also see: stream_writer, file.
Error handling: all methods may throw exception_io or one of derivatives on failure; exception_aborted when abort_callback is signaled
 Cfoobar2000_io::stream_writerGeneric interface to write data to a nonseekable stream. Also see: stream_reader, file.
Error handling: all methods may throw exception_io or one of derivatives on failure; exception_aborted when abort_callback is signaled
 Cfoobar2000_io::t_filestatsStores file stats (size and timestamp)
 Cinput_cuesheet_factory_t< t_input_impl, t_flags >Wrapper template for generating embedded cuesheet enabled inputs. t_input_impl is a singletrack input implementation (see input_singletrack_impl for method declarations). To declare an embedded cuesheet enabled input, change your input declaration from input_singletrack_factory_t<myinput> to input_cuesheet_factory_t<myinput>
 Cinput_implThis is a class that just declares prototypes of functions that each input needs to implement. See input_decoder / input_info_reader / input_info_writer interfaces for full descriptions of member functions. Since input implementation class is instantiated using a template, you don't need to derive from input_impl as virtual functions are not used on implementation class level. Use input_factory_t template to register input class based on input_impl
 Cinput_singletrack_implThis is a class that just declares prototypes of functions that each non-multitrack-enabled input needs to implement. See input_decoder / input_info_reader / input_info_writer interfaces for full descriptions of member functions. Since input implementation class is instantiated using a template, you don't need to derive from input_singletrack_impl as virtual functions are not used on implementation class level. Use input_singletrack_factory_t template to register input class based on input_singletrack_impl
 Cinput_wrapper_singletrack_t< I >Helper used by input_singletrack_factory_t, do not use directly. Translates input_impl calls to input_singletrack_impl calls
 Cpfc::int_specs_signed_t< char >
 Cpfc::int_specs_signed_t< int >
 Cpfc::int_specs_signed_t< long >
 Cpfc::int_specs_signed_t< long long >
 Cpfc::int_specs_signed_t< short >
 Cpfc::int_specs_unsigned_t< unsigned char >
 Cpfc::int_specs_unsigned_t< unsigned int >
 Cpfc::int_specs_unsigned_t< unsigned long >
 Cpfc::int_specs_unsigned_t< unsigned long long >
 Cpfc::int_specs_unsigned_t< unsigned short >
 Cpfc::int_specs_unsigned_t< wchar_t >
 Clibrary_manager::enum_callbackInterface for use with library_manager::enum_items()
 Cpfc::list_base_const_t< char * >
 Cpfc::list_base_const_t< const char * >
 Cpfc::list_base_const_t< const file_info * >
 Cpfc::list_base_const_t< const T * >
 Cpfc::list_base_const_t< dsp_preset_impl * >
 Cpfc::list_base_const_t< file_info * >
 Cpfc::list_base_const_t< from >
 Cpfc::list_base_const_t< GUID >
 Cpfc::list_base_const_t< HWND >
 Cpfc::list_base_const_t< item >
 Cpfc::list_base_const_t< metadb_handle_ptr >
 Cpfc::list_base_const_t< metadb_io_hintlist::metadb_io_hintlist::t_entry >
 Cpfc::list_base_const_t< metadb_io_hintlist::t_entry >
 Cpfc::list_base_const_t< pfc::rcptr_t< audio_chunk > >
 Cpfc::list_base_const_t< pfc::rcptr_t< foobar2000_io::directory_callback_impl::t_entry > >
 Cpfc::list_base_const_t< pfc::string >
 Cpfc::list_base_const_t< service_ptr_t< metadb_handle > >
 Cpfc::list_base_const_t< service_ptr_t< T > >
 Cpfc::list_base_const_t< T * >
 Cpfc::list_base_const_t< t_array::t_item >
 Cpfc::list_base_const_t< t_filestats >
 Cpfc::list_base_const_t< t_item >
 Cpfc::list_base_const_t< t_object * >
 Cpfc::list_base_const_t< to >
 Cpfc::list_base_const_t< TObj >
 Cpfc::map_t< FORMATETC, pfc::array_t< t_uint8 >, comparator_FORMATETC >
 Cpfc::map_t< GUID, album_art_data::ptr >
 Cpfc::map_t< GUID, album_art_extractor_instance_fileref::t_fileref >
 Cpfc::map_t< GUID, service_ptr_t >
 Cpfc::map_t< GUID, t_size >
 Cpfc::map_t< pfc::string8, pfc::string8, file_info::field_name_comparator >
 Cpfc::map_t< pfc::string8, t_entry, file_info::field_name_comparator >
 Cpfc::map_t< pfc::string8, t_meta_value, file_info::field_name_comparator >
 Cpfc::map_t< t_uint32, t_uint64 >
 Cpfc::map_t< UINT, CRect >
 Cpfc::map_t< unsigned, pfc::string8 >
 Cpfc::map_t< unsigned, service_nnptr_t >
 Cpfc::map_t< unsigned, track_record >
 Cpfc::mem_block_aligned< 16 >
 Cmem_block_containerGeneric interface for a memory block; used by various other interfaces to return memory blocks while allowing caller to allocate
 Cmem_block_manager< T >
 Cmem_block_manager< T >::entry
 Cmeta_table_builderPurpose: building a file_info metadata table from loose input without search-for-existing-entry bottleneck
 Cmetadb_io_callback_dynamicDynamically-registered version of metadb_io_callback. See metadb_io_callback for documentation, register instances using metadb_io_v3::register_callback(). It's recommended that you use the metadb_io_callback_dynamic_impl_base helper class to manage registration/unregistration
 Cmodal_dialog_scopeThe purpose of modal_dialog_scope is to help to avoid the modal dialog recursion problem. Current toplevel modal dialog handle is stored globally, so when creation of a new modal dialog is blocked, it can be activated to indicate the reason for the task being blocked
 CopenAudioData_tOpenAudioData return value, see openAudioData()
 Cpfc::__array_fast_helper_t< t_item >
 Cpfc::__array_lite_helper_t< t_item >
 Cpfc::__DecodeIntHelper< TInt, width, IsBigEndian >
 Cpfc::__DecodeIntHelper< TInt, 0, IsBigEndian >
 Cpfc::__DecodeIntHelper< TInt, 1, IsBigEndian >
 Cpfc::__EncodeIntHelper< TInt, width, IsBigEndian >
 Cpfc::__EncodeIntHelper< TInt, 0, IsBigEndian >
 Cpfc::__EncodeIntHelper< TInt, 1, IsBigEndian >
 Cpfc::__list_to_array_enumerator< t_array >
 Cpfc::__map_overwrite_wrapper< t_destination >
 Cpfc::__splitStringSimple_arrayWrapper< t_array >
 Cpfc::__splitStringSimple_listWrapper< t_list >
 Cpfc::_splitStringSimple_check< t_param >
 Cpfc::_splitStringSimple_check< char >
 Cpfc::_splitStringSimple_check< const char * >
 Cpfc::alloc_dummy< t_item >
 Cpfc::alloc_fast< t_item >
 Cpfc::alloc_fast_aggressive< t_item >
 Cpfc::alloc_fixed< p_width >
 Cpfc::alloc_fixed< p_width >::alloc< t_item >
 Cpfc::alloc_hybrid< p_width, t_alloc >
 Cpfc::alloc_hybrid< p_width, t_alloc >::alloc< t_item >
 Cpfc::alloc_simple< t_item >Simple inefficient fully portable allocator
 Cpfc::alloc_standard< t_item >
 Cpfc::array_2d_t< t_item, t_alloc >
 Cpfc::array_staticsize_t< _t_item >Special simplififed version of array class that avoids stepping on landmines with classes without public copy operators/constructors
 Cpfc::array_t< _t_item, t_alloc >
 Cpfc::assert_byte_type< t_type >
 Cpfc::assert_byte_type< char >
 Cpfc::assert_byte_type< signed char >
 Cpfc::assert_byte_type< unsigned char >
 Cpfc::assert_same_type< p_type1, p_type2 >
 Cpfc::assert_same_type< p_type, p_type >
 Cpfc::avltree_t< t_storage, t_comparator >
 Cpfc::binarySearch< t_comparator >
 Cpfc::bit_arrayBit array interface class, constant version (you can only retrieve values).
Range of valid indexes depends on the context. When passing a bit_array as a parameter to some code, valid index range must be signaled independently
 Cpfc::chain_list_v2_t< _t_item >Differences between chain_list_v2_t<> and old chain_list_t<>:
Iterators pointing to removed items as well as to items belonging to no longer existing list objects remain valid but they're no longer walkable - as if the referenced item was the only item in the list. The old class invalidated iterators on deletion instead
 Cpfc::com_ptr_t< T >
 Cpfc::combine_traits< traits1, traits2 >
 Cpfc::comparator_array< t_comparator >
 Cpfc::comparator_defaultFor use with avltree/map etc
 Cpfc::comparator_dual< t_primary, t_secondary >
 Cpfc::comparator_list< t_comparator >
 Cpfc::comparator_pointer< t_comparator >
 Cpfc::const_iterator< t_item >
 Cpfc::enumerator_add_item< t_receiver >
 Cpfc::format_pad_left< t_stringbuffer >
 Cpfc::format_pad_right< t_stringbuffer >
 Cpfc::incrementScope< t_val >
 Cpfc::instance_tracker_client_t< t_object, p_server >
 Cpfc::instance_tracker_server_t< t_object >
 Cpfc::instanceTrackerV2< TClass >
 Cpfc::int_container_helper< t_type, p_initval >
 Cpfc::int_specs_signed_t< T >
 Cpfc::int_specs_t< T >
 Cpfc::int_specs_unsigned_t< T >
 Cpfc::is_same_type< p_type1, p_type2 >
 Cpfc::is_same_type< p_type, p_type >
 Cpfc::list_base_const_t< T >
 Cpfc::list_base_t< T >::sort_callback
 Cpfc::list_impl_t< T, t_storage >::sort_callback_wrapper
 Cpfc::map_t< t_storage_key, t_storage_value, t_comparator >
 Cpfc::map_t< t_storage_key, t_storage_value, t_comparator >::comparator_wrapper
 Cpfc::map_t< t_storage_key, t_storage_value, t_comparator >::enumeration_wrapper< t_callback >
 Cpfc::map_t< t_storage_key, t_storage_value, t_comparator >::enumeration_wrapper_var< t_callback >
 Cpfc::map_t< t_storage_key, t_storage_value, t_comparator >::t_retrieve_key< _t_key >
 Cpfc::map_t< t_storage_key, t_storage_value, t_comparator >::t_search_query< _t_key >
 Cpfc::map_t< t_storage_key, t_storage_value, t_comparator >::t_search_set< _t_key, _t_value >
 Cpfc::map_t< t_storage_key, t_storage_value, t_comparator >::t_storage
 Cpfc::mem_block_aligned< alignBytes >
 Cpfc::mem_block_aligned_incremental_t< obj_t, alignBytes >
 Cpfc::mem_block_aligned_t< obj_t, alignBytes >
 Cpfc::ptrholder_t< T, t_releaser >Assumes t_freefunc to never throw exceptions
 Cpfc::ptrholder_t< void, t_releaser >
 Cpfc::rcptr_t< t_object >
 Cpfc::refcounted_object_ptr_t< T >
 Cpfc::sized_int_t< t_bytes >
 Cpfc::sized_int_t< 1 >
 Cpfc::sized_int_t< 2 >
 Cpfc::sized_int_t< 4 >
 Cpfc::sized_int_t< 8 >
 Cpfc::static_assert_t< val >
 Cpfc::static_assert_t< true >
 Cpfc::stringNew EXPERIMENTAL string class, allowing efficient copies and returning from functions.
Does not implement the string_base interface so you still need string8 in many cases.
Safe to pass between DLLs, but since a reference is used, objects possibly created by other DLLs must be released before owning DLLs are unloaded
 Cpfc::string_simple_t< t_char >
 Cpfc::stringcvt::char_buffer_t< t_char, t_alloc >
 Cpfc::stringcvt::string_codepage_from_wide_t< t_alloc >
 Cpfc::stringcvt::string_utf8_from_wide_t< t_alloc >
 Cpfc::stringcvt::string_utf8_from_win1252_t< t_alloc >
 Cpfc::stringcvt::string_wide_from_codepage_t< t_alloc >
 Cpfc::stringcvt::string_wide_from_utf8_t< t_alloc >
 Cpfc::stringcvt::string_wide_from_win1252_t< t_alloc >
 Cpfc::stringcvt::string_win1252_from_utf8_t< t_alloc >
 Cpfc::stringcvt::string_win1252_from_wide_t< t_alloc >
 Cpfc::stringp"String parameter" helper class, to use in function parameters, allowing functions to take any type of string as a parameter (const char*, string_base, string)
 Cpfc::syncd_storage< t_object >
 Cpfc::syncd_storage_flagged< t_object >
 Cpfc::threadIMPORTANT: all classes derived from thread must call waitTillDone() in their destructor, to avoid object destruction during a virtual function call!
 Cpfc::vartoggle_t< T >
 Cplaylist_manager::enum_items_callbackCallback interface for playlist enumeration methods
 Cpfc::rcptr_t< bool >
 Cpfc::rcptr_t< file_info_const_impl >
 Cpfc::rcptr_t< pfc::string8 >
 Cpfc::rcptr_t< string_base const >
 Cpfc::rcptr_t< TWhat * >
 Cpfc::refcounted_object_ptr_t< t_node >
 Cpfc::refcounted_object_ptr_t< t_self >
 Creplaygain_infoStructure containing ReplayGain scan results from some playable object, also providing various helper methods to manipulate those results
 Cservice_baseBase class for all service classes.
Provides interfaces for reference counter and querying for different interfaces supported by the object.
 Cservice_by_guid_data< what >
 Cservice_class_helper_t< T >
 Cservice_class_helper_t< t_interface >
 Cservice_enum_t< t_interface >
 Cservice_factory_traits< B >
 Cservice_instance_array_t< T >Helper; simulates array with instance of each available implementation of given service class
 Cservice_ptr_base_t< T >
 Cservice_ptr_base_t< audio_postprocessor >
 Cservice_ptr_base_t< completion_notify >
 Cservice_ptr_base_t< completion_notify_orphanable >
 Cservice_ptr_base_t< config_object >
 Cservice_ptr_base_t< contextmenu_item_simple >
 Cservice_ptr_base_t< dsp >
 Cservice_ptr_base_t< file >
 Cservice_ptr_base_t< input_decoder >
 Cservice_ptr_base_t< input_info_reader >
 Cservice_ptr_base_t< metadb_handle >
 Cservice_ptr_base_t< service_t >
 Cservice_ptr_base_t< titleformat_object >
 Cservice_ptr_base_t< TTarget >
 Cservice_ptr_base_t< ui_element_instance >
 Cservice_ptr_base_t< ui_element_instance_callback_impl >
 Cservice_ptr_base_t< ui_status_text_override >
 Cstatic_api_ptr_t< t_interface >Helper template used to easily access core services.
Usage: static_api_ptr_t<myclass> api; api->dosomething(); Can be used at any point of code, WITH EXCEPTION of static objects that are initialized during the DLL loading process before the service system is initialized; such as static static_api_ptr_t objects or having static_api_ptr_t instances as members of statically created objects. Throws exception_service_not_found if service could not be reached (which can be ignored for core APIs that are always present unless there is some kind of bug in the code)
 Cstatic_api_ptr_t< hasher_md5 >
 Cstatic_api_ptr_t< playback_control >
 Cstatic_api_ptr_t< titleformat_common_methods >
 Cstd::exceptionSTL class
 Cstream_reader_formatter< isBigEndian >
 Cstream_reader_formatter< BE >
 Cstream_writer_formatter< isBigEndian >
 Cstream_writer_formatter< BE >
 Ct_pcmspecStructure describing PCM audio data format, with basic helper functions
 Ct_replaygain_configStructure storing ReplayGain configuration: album/track source data modes, gain/peak processing modes and preamp values
 Ctag_write_callbackCallback interface for write-tags-to-temp-file-and-swap scheme, used for ID3v2 tag updates and such where entire file needs to be rewritten. As a speed optimization, file content can be copied to a temporary file in the same directory as the file being updated, and then source file can be swapped for the newly created file with updated tags. This also gives better security against data loss on crash compared to rewriting the file in place and using memory or generic temporary file APIs to store content being rewritten
 Cthreaded_process_statusCallback class passed to your threaded_process client code; allows you to give various visual feedback to the user
 CThreadUtils::CObjectQueue< TWhat >
 CThreadUtils::CSingleThreadWrapper< TBase, processMsgs >::command
 Ctrack_property_callbackCallback interface for track_property_provider::enumerate_properties()
 Cui_element_instance_callback_receiverUi_element_instance_callback implementation helper
 Ctemplate alloc< t_item >
 Cstring8_t< pfc::alloc_fast_aggressive >
 Ct_alloc< t_item >